

Introducing Garvey's Organic Scone Mix - the official scone mix of Downton Abbey! Made with only the finest organic ingredients, this mix is sure to impress even the most discerning scone aficionados. 

Nothing is more inviting than warm scones, fresh from the oven.  Serve them for breakfast, coffeetime, teatime, anytime spread with butter, preserves, lemon curd and, if desired Devon, clotted or whipped cream.

We choose to use organic ingredients because we support sustainable, organic methods of growing food. We believe organic ingredients are superior ingredients and ultimately make our baking mixes better.

The Best Organic Scone Mix in the UK

Garvey's Organic Scone Mix is the best organic scone mix you will find in the UK. It is the perfect balance of sweetness and texture, making it a delightful addition to any afternoon tea.

The Official Scone Mix of Downton Abbey

Garvey's Organic Scone Mix is the official scone mix of Downton Abbey. This exclusive endorsement is a testament to the mix's superior quality and taste. The characters of Downton Abbey knew a thing or two about fine dining, and Garvey's Organic Scone Mix certainly lived up to their high standards.

All Organic Ingredients

Garvey's Organic Scone Mix is made with all organic ingredients, making it a healthy and delicious treat. The mix contains no artificial preservatives or colors, ensuring that every scone is both tasty and nutritious.

Easy to Make

With Garvey's Organic Scone Mix, making scones has never been easier. Simply add water to the mix, knead the dough, and cut out the scones. In no time at all, you will have a batch of delicious scones ready to enjoy.


Garvey's Organic Scone Mix is versatile and can be used to create a range of delicious treats. Use it to make sweet or savory scones, or use it as a base for your favorite desserts. With Garvey's Organic Scone Mix, the possibilities are endless.


Organic Wheat Flour, Organic Cane Sugar, Organic Baking Powder, Organic Cream of Tartar, Organic Bicarbonate of Soda, Organic Sea Salt

In conclusion, Garvey's Organic Scone Mix is the perfect addition to any afternoon tea or dessert. Made with all organic ingredients and endorsed by Downton Abbey, this mix is sure to impress even the most discerning palates. So, order your pack today and enjoy the taste of authentic British scones, made with the best organic ingredients available.